* The Leland Stanford Junior University. All Rights Reserved.
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HippoDraw is a combination of the Hippoplotamus n-tuple management
and display package and the Draw application. To Draw, a new class
of graphic objects called Plots were added. One can import a data
file and view the data as histograms, scatter plots, grey or color
scale density plots, or simple x-y plots. Being graphics objects
like others in Draw, these plots can be re-sized, moved and annotated
on the drawing canvas. HippoDraw also supports cuts on data whereby
data is plotted from one column of the data only if data is within
a certain range in another column.
HippoDraw The application ready to run
HippoDraw.ps The documentation. Please read at least the tutorial in it.
aptuple.hippo A sample data file.
README This file.
Just drag and drop HippoDraw into your ~/Apps, or /LocalApps. The sample n-tuple file, aptuple.hippo, can be placed anywhere.
Send bug reports to Hippo_Bug@ebnextk.slac.stanford.edu. Please bug reports only to this e-mail address and try to be specific on how we can reproduce your bug. Comments, suggestions, questions, criticisms, etc. should be mailed to Hippo_Comment@ebnextk.slac.stanford.edu. Also if you are using HippoDraw, please register your copy by sending e-mail to this address, so we can inform you about future releases.
The Hippoplotamus package consists of n-tuple management and display
package and utilities for creating and converting hippo format files.
It is written in ANSI C and runs on most UNIX platforms as well as
DEC VAX/VMS and IBM VM/CMS. Hippo binary files are saved with XDR so
files can be moved between machines of different architecture. Output
drivers exist for not only Display PostScript (used by HippoDraw) but
also X11, X with InterViews, UNIXPlot, line printer and PostScript
printers. The sources for Hippoplotamus can be obtained by anonymous
ftp from the same site you received HippoDraw or from
heplib.slac.stanford.edu in the directory /pub/sources.
HippoDraw subproject
HippoDraw can be incorporated in other applications as a subproj with the Interface builder. So your application can generate the n-tuple and have all the facilities of HippoDraw to view them. To do this, you'll need the
obtain the source code via anonymous ftp from the same place
you received HippoDraw or from
heplib.slac.stanford.edu in the directory /pub/sources